QUESTION 1: Do you think the sales training program would have been more effective if
off-the-job training methods were used instead of the Web as the main method of training?
What off-the-job training methods do you think should have been used? Explain your
answer. (To answer this question, refer to Table 5.1 in Chapter 5)
Straining program because this program performed out of the organization in which
trainer conduct lecture in one classroom and delivered the content of the training to all trainees as
well as they do practical activity. Therefore, it help to train the trainee with proper knowledge
and skills which is require for accomplish the goals of the organization. There are other various
off the job training method such as discussion, audio-visual method, case study, case content,
behavior modeling, role play, games and stimulation method
However, all method play vital role in delivering the training outside the organization. The
stimulation method helps to operating model of physical or social events design to represent
reality. This model represents the work situations that are designed to increase trainee motivation
and learning.
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