There is a need for all nurse personnel and other staff who communicate with patients at the facility to be routinely subjected to communication training on what they should and should not do. In order to communicate effectively, the staff must have a good awareness of the communication principles with a focus on ethics. Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices.The should be aware of the need for responsible, concise and truthful communications. Understanding the needs of patients and how to improve their perception of the organization and its staff relies heavily on optimal person-to-personal communication so that stakeholders understand each other and activities occur in the most efficient manner possible (Renpinning, Gebhardt-Taylor & Pickens, 2016). In fact, this is critical for confusion to be mitigated so that every stakeholder is on the same page.Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices. In addition, the communication training should focus on transparency and openness as this presents the perception of integrity and trustworthiness that would improve the organization’s reputation. Besides that, the training should consider any potential roadblocks that would influence how information is received and understood. Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices.There is a need for understanding how to attenuate and mitigate the communication roadblocks to ensure that the information being communicated is fully understood. This includes using the right language and jargon, and taking into account the patients’ level of language fluency. Also, it takes into account technology accessibility and know how to operate certain applications, such as access to smartphones with internet access and how to communicate with social media platforms (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2018). Overall, there is a need to staff to be routinely subjected to communication training in order to better collect public opinion so as to improve public perception
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