Social Media and It’s Potential Effects on Future Employment
According to Angelica Anas, the author of the article titled Posting Remorse: Deleting
isn’t Permanent on the Internet, anything posted on the internet will more or less be there forever
(Anas, 2013). With that being said, I do think potential employers, current employers, and
colleges have the right to access one’s social media accounts. After all, the applicant posted it on
the internet. People need to be more cognizant about what they post for all to see and take
accountability for it. At this point, people should know that what they post has the potential to be
viewed by millions of people including employers and colleges. The whole point of posting
something on the internet is to gather attention from a wide array of people. I do not think it is
realistic to expect that a potential employer or college would not look at one’s social media,
especially in this day in age. One can tell a lot about a person based on what he or she posts on
the internet. For example, if the applicant is applying for a job at a law firm and the potential
employer searches for the applicant on Facebook and finds that the applicant posts pictures of
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