Social Media: Impact on Interpersonal Communication and Relationships



Social media has surpassed email as the primary method of communication with individuals from all around the globe. It has proved beneficial to some and harmful to others. Social media is slowly but surely transforming how we live and interact. Our social relationships have devolved into impersonal encounters through smartphones or other accessible electronic media. Even youngsters communicate with their peers exclusively through cellphones. While digital technologies have simplified our lives, they have also complicated them beyond our control. Consequently, social media’s influence on our ability to participate and communicate is apparent across all sectors of society.

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Annotated Bibliography

Gjylbegaj, V., & Jararaa, O. (2018). The effects of social media on youth’s interpersonal communication in UAE. IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences4(10), 23-29. Web.

The study analyzes the influence of social media on interpersonal interactions among adolescents in the United Arab Emirates. The principal purpose of Givlbegai & Jararaa was to illustrate the research completed on children and their interpersonal communication skills in an era of social media saturation. The study notes that one of the most significant difficulties confronting today’s youngsters is altering their interpersonal relationships. For instance, they communicate their emotions via social media rather than face-to-face dialogue. The research used a survey approach and was sent to the UAE’s young population. Social media may be a beneficial tool for connecting with individuals from all over the globe, but it significantly impairs young interpersonal connections. This is because most young people prefer not to communicate face-to-face to prevent unpleasant feelings, and they are afraid of opening up. Individuals feel more comfortable sharing personal information with virtual acquaintances they do not know well, as they have more time to address complicated subjects.

Moawad, G. E., & Ebrahem, G. G. S. (2016). The relationship between use of technology and parent-adolescents social relationship. Journal of Education and Practice7(14), 168-178. Web.

This study discusses the effects of social media on even the younger generation. Moawad & Ebrahem examine how today’s adolescents have unparalleled access to contemporary technology and how they use it in surprising ways. Moawad & Ebrahem describe how access to social media has raised worries about how modern technology may influence teenagers by removing them from critical social contacts that evolve into healthy relationships—using electronics and social media for many hours a day. The study used questionnaires delivered to randomly selected elementary and secondary schools in two Egyptian local government regions. The article uses descriptive correlations to examine the association between teens’ internet use and their parents’ social relationships. This article is essential because it reflects the influence of social media on people of all ages and genders. It also sheds light on how social media has a detrimental effect on not only sexual relationships but also on our connections, such as those with our children and parents. The research also discovered a statistically significant link between teenage technology usage and social engagement with their parents.

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Cappella, J. N. (2017). Vectors into the future of mass and interpersonal communication research: Big data, social media, and computational social science. Human Communication Research43(4), 545-558. Web.

The study examines how advances in big data, social networking, and computational social science have shaped our interpersonal and mass communication understanding. These aspects include advances in network analysis, modeling interpersonal and societal influence, recommendation systems, and blurring the lines between interpersonal and large audiences through narrowcasting and broadcasting. While the techniques and resea

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