Teresa is a 15-year-old girl who is being seen by her physician today at the request of her parents, Bob and Peggy. They have brought Teresa in today because of some concerning changes in Teresa’s behavior and appearance recently. They explain that up to about a year ago Teresa was a typical teenage girl who was a good student in school. Since then, she has been running with a new group of friends who wear dark or black clothing and dye their hair black. Teresa has followed this trend and has recently shown up with several new body piercings and has asked her parents for permission to get a tattoo. Her parents have refused but are afraid that she will do this without their permission. Teresa is listening to loud violent music and spending less time at home with the family. When she is home she often fights with her parents over the rules of the house. They are afraid Teresa has become sexually active. (Learning Objectives 3, 4, and 6) What can the nurse tell Bob and Peggy about the

The Nurse’s Teaching to Bob and Peggy Regarding the Occurrence of Violence in Adolescence

The nurse can equip Bob and Peggy with valuable information regarding the occurrence of violence in adolescence. At first, the nurse can explain that while teenage rebellion and experimentation with distinct clothing, hair, and music styles are typical during adolescence, it is essential to closely observe any drastic changes in behavior and appearance, as they can sometimes be indicators of underlying matters. The nurse can clarify that not all teenagers who adopt dark or alternative styles are involved in violence, but addressing their concerns and taking them seriously is vital. Moreover, the nurse can educate Bob and Peggy about the potential factors contributing to adolescent violent behavior. These factors may include exposure to violence in the media, peer pressure, family conflict or dysfunction, history of trauma or abuse, substance abuse, and mental health conditions such as conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder (Koehler, 2020). The nurse can spotlight that comprehending these risk factors can help recognize potential underlying causes and guide suitable interventions. The nurse can also discuss the significance of open communication and a supportive family environment. Bob and Peggy can encourage Teresa to share her feelings, concerns, and experiences by maintaining a non-judgmental and understanding attitude. This approach can promote trust and provide an opportunity to address any potential issues or conflicts that may contribute to her behavior. In addition, the nurse can emphasize the significance of setting clear boundaries and rules within the family. Establishing consistent expectations regarding behavior, curfews, and consequences for breaking the rules can help provide structure and guidance for Teresa. The nurse can encourage Bob and Peggy to involve Teresa in developing these rules to promote her sense of autonomy and responsibility. Finally, the nurse can inform Bob and Peggy about available resources and support systems. These may include counseling services, support groups, or community programs specializing in adolescent behavior and mental health. By seeking professional help, they can gain insights, strategies, and interventions specific to Teresa’s situation, ultimately fostering her well-being and addressing any potential issues effectively.


The case of Teresa exemplifies the complex and dynamic process of growth and development during adolescence. Teresa’s behavior and appearance changes are influenced by her peer group, which significantly modifies her identity and choices. The nurse can inform Bob and Peggy about the powerful impact of peer influence and emphasize the significance of open communication and parental inclusion in guiding Teresa through this stage. In addition, the nurse can educate Bob and Peggy on dating and sexuality, highlighting the significance of equipping accurate information, setting clear boundaries, and fostering a supportive environment for healthy decision-making. Moreover, the nurse can address adolescent violence, educating Bob and Peggy on the potential risks and warning signs and providing strategies to foster non-violent conflict resolution and emotional well-being. By comprehending these aspects, Bob and Peggy can better support Teresa during this critical period of growth and development.














Giletta, M., Choukas-Bradley, S., Maes, M., Linthicum, K. P., Card, N. A., & Prinstein, M. J. (2021). A meta-analysis of longitudinal peer influence effects in childhood and adolescence. Psychological Bulletin147(7), 719. https://doi.org/10.1037/bul0000329

Koehler, D. (2020). Violent extremism, mental health and substance abuse among adolescents: Towards a trauma psychological perspective on violent radicalization and deradicalization. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology31(3), 455-472. https://doi.org/10.1080/14789949.2020.1758752

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