Advertising has become an integral part of every person’s life. Teenagers can also see advertisements on the street, hear on the radio, watch on their smartphones or TV. Every year, advertising is being researched more deeply, and advertisers are using more powerful techniques that affect people’s behavior. Due to their age characteristics, it is especially true of adolescents, who are characterized by increased excitability, impulsivity, imbalance, and the commission of rash actions and deeds. Advertising has a substantial impact on the formation and development of attitudes towards the world and reality and the personal relationships of adolescents since it is at this age that the psyche is formed, which is most susceptible to external influences (Beyens et al., 2). Advertising is dynamic both in its essence and in its development. In this regard, it is necessary to study its influence on adolescents, as one of the leading groups subject to advertising tricks.
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Advertising begins to influence children as soon as they are in front of the TV for the first time. Kids are attracted by the spectacular video sequence, incendiary sounds, flickering pictures, as well as excessive positive. Over time, children who watch ads are less likely to stay on the television (Lapierre et al., 152). This number decreases several times by adulthood, but adolescents still see advertising quite often in adolescence. The opinion is firmly established in society that a fragile child’s psyche cannot defend itself against sophisticated marketing moves. Indeed, due to inexperience, schoolchildren are not yet able to resist the tempting promises of PR campaigns. In this regard, many psychologists call for regulation of advertising that harms children. Among the features of such influence are corruption, the need to possess expensive goods despite the possibilities of the family budget, and the imposition of consumer values instead of the generally accepted cultural values.
In modern times, teenagers are increasingly beginning to get acquainted with smartphone devices. Inside the gadget, they are attracted by the touch screen, a vast number of applications for every taste, including, of course, games. Almost every game on any smartphone contains ads. The aggressiveness and cunning with which advertisers approach advertisements on the Internet and in-app always negatively impact the teenager, even if he has a high level of advertising literacy. For watching commercials, young players can often receive some bonuses in the game, and therefore the viewing of advertisements by adolescents with the departure of the popularity of television not only did not decrease but increased.
It can be argued that a modern child receives from various sources more than a dozen advertisements per day. They have a powerful influence on the behavior of the younger generation. They shape their worldview, cause cravings for certain products and lifestyles. Along with the parents and the school, children are brought up hourly by an absolute authority – advertising. The eternal “engine of commerce” deliberately cultivates and maintains false dissatisfaction in them in order to fill it with necessary needs.
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On the one hand, advertising, being a simplified pattern of behavior, gives the child the opportunity to develop. He constantly masters the stereotype of adult behavior, and games and fairy tales help him in this. In fairy tales, children are offered solutions to what is right and what is not and how to act in certain situations. Through play, children develop their behavioral scenarios. Advertising in the perception of a child is a synthesis of a game and a fairy tale. An important place in the development of a child is occupied by aesthetic feelings: feelings of the beautiful and ugly, a sense of harmony, a sense of rhythm, a sense of the comic. At this age, the child begins to navigate concepts such as truth and lies. However, advertising images can disrupt the child’s correct understanding of such concepts.
In addition, on the other hand, the effect of the influence of advertising is not only psychological but also physical. Advertising negatively affects the health of children and adolescents. A fragile organism is affected by radiation from the screen, the flickering of bright color spots, and frequent images changes.
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