Teenagers spend averagely seven hours in various media sources. Majority of them have access to computers, video-game console, cell phones, social networking sites and televisions at the comfort of their bedrooms (Strasburger, Wilson, & Jordan, 2009). The media sources have an impact on the health concern that parents and practitioners have about teenagers which include substance abuse, eating disorders, aggressive behavior and dangerous sexual behavior. Different forms of media affect teenagers in different ways. According to studies in the U.S. teenagers with access to television in their bedrooms have low scores, small vocabularies and do not read. The media has also been linked to increased obesity in the United States. Teenagers who watch television for 2 hours daily have a higher chance of being obese as they do not exercise.
Some of the impacts of advertising and the media in the United States include:
Researchers in America have established significant facts about the effects of accessing sexual content on early sexual practices and teenagers’ sexual beliefs. The sample showed that nearly half of users 0f the internet aged between 10 to 17 years had been exposed to pornographic content. This exposure to sexually explicit content has led to increased oral sex, sexual harassment, permissive sexual norms and engagement in sexual intercourse while still in school (Strasburger, Wilson & Jordan, 2009). Studies have also shown that the media’s sexual content streaming has led to increased sexual activity, increased risk of unplanned pregnancies, sexual transmitted diseases and early coital behavior. The media has been instrumental in providing sexual information to teenagers in America and influence their beliefs on romantic relationships. Television shows and series targeting youths have more sexual content than adult shows. Unfortunately, these shows do not emphasize on the importance of responsibility and contraception. Birth control advertisements are also made available in various US television networks while advertisements for contraception are never aired. Online connection of teenagers with strangers has also been a major issue of concern. Cases of internet sexual activity by adults on teenagers have been on the rise. The other trend that has significantly risen is the online sexual solicitation by minors on other minors. Facebook, twitter and Myspace are some of the social networking sites that have easily allowed teenagers to present themselves in sexually suggestive manners which have increased cases of rape. Online sexual predators have now turned to “sexting” using mobile phones to target their victims.
Substance Abuse
America is among the countries in the world where drugs are highly advertised. Over $20 billion is used in advertising and marketing drugs such as alcohol, tobacco and other prescription drugs. These advertisements have significant effects on teenagers’ use of drugs. On-line videos also reveal drug and alcohol content that is seen by adolescents. Recent studies on social networking platforms have revealed that 40% of the profiles referenced substance abuse. Tobacco use has also been common in movies. Over 70% of the movies written in the U.S. contain scenes of smoking tobacco and even marijuana. Smoking leads to negative health effects such as cancer and other lung infections (Lapointe 2008). Studies have shown exposure to movies with smoking scenes lead to initiation of smoking between two to 8 years later. The smoking initiation is as a result of identifying with the characters and storyline of the movie.
Eating Disorders and obesity
Longitudinal studies and other American researchers have revealed that the media and marketing are playing a crucial role in the current obesity epidemic, in the world. Food marketing is one of the major causes of obesity in the world (McGinnis, 2006). Teenagers and children see 4000-7500 advertisements every year on fast food and junk food on television. Exposure to junk food has an effect on teenager’s preferences and food beliefs. The food related content on various media sources has increased teenagers reliance and dependence on food messages. Apart from the influences caused by advertising, eating while at the same time watching, especially television, leads to increased food consumption. Heavy viewing of television causes the displacement of physical activities and sleep especially during the nighttime (McGinnis, 2006). The media has also been instrumental in creating body dissatisfaction and unrealistic expectations. This is especially common with young female readers of beauty and fashion magazines. These readers to suffer from distorted body images as they try to emulate various slim lead characters in various television shows, in
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