First is theory of self-care, Orem explains that if individual can attain all the needs are capable for self-care. Self-care comprises those activities performed independently by an individual to promote and maintain personal well-being throughout life. She suggested that human beings are capable and responsible for taking action to adjust their health, and life. The term she provided to this capability to take action on one’s own behalf is self-care agency. The second is self-care deficit theory, which tells us that human beings have some need for survival, and are capable to attain it for health, and life. Human beings take some action to attain their needs and sustain life, which is called therapeutic self-care demand. When these actions are insufficient to fulfill all or part of the therapeutic self-care demand (needs), a self-care deficit develops. In this way the person is unable to perform and manage everything she/he needs to maintain health, and life. Third is theory of nursing process, to develop and organize an action plan that connects the identified gap between self-care agency and therapeutic self-care demand.” (Whitener, 1998, PG). It build up the capabilities to meet their self-care, for example a person is unable to maintain his health. In this way the nurses will help the person to perform the needed action, or find someone to assist in the performance of the actions. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay
Nursing goal focuses to overcome human limitation for needs and self-care. Nursing process is further divided in to nursing practice and fundamental nursing science. Nursing practice is based on observation, judgment and decision in nursing is evidence based practice awareness and critical thinking in nursing practice. Critical thinking further divide into diagnostic, prescriptive, regulatory and control evaluation. Orem explains five ways, on the basis of that nurses can help their patients in enhancing self-care: acting and doing for others, guiding, supporting, promoting personal development and teaching. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay
Roy Nursing Model
Roy developed adaptation model of nursing, and define the delivery of nursing care. Roy explain the Human beings as a set of interrelated system(psychological, biological, and social).human beings are in struggle to bring equilibrium between their system and environment. Human beings are facing factor (stimuli) from the environment, which alter the balance between the individual and environment. Stimuli may be external or internal which help or hinder in the process of adaptation. To bring balance human beings develop coping mechanism (behavior) to the stressor. It is a framework between environment and human beings, and stimuli, human beings changes his capabilities for also comprises the four domain concepts of person, health, environment, and nursing. In Roy’s model goal for nursing is to help in adaptation to improve person health, quality of life, and dying with dignity. These are four modes which she used in her model are physiological, self-concept, role function and interdependence. She used six step nursing process assessment of behavior, assessment of stimuli, nursing diagnosis, goal sitting, intervention, and evaluation. It is a complete process, on the basis of which we can do assessment and plan for intervention to get the desire goal. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay
Roy’s model has three basic concepts: the human being, adaptation, and nursing. The human being is continually interacting with the environment (stimuli), and nursing is the helping to bring balance and adaptation. The person has two major internal processing subsystems, the regulator and the cognator.” These subsystems are the mechanisms used by human beings to cope with stimuli from the internal and external environment. The regulator mechanism works through the autonomic nervous system and includes chemical, neural, and perception pathways. This mechanism prepares the individual for coping with environmental stimuli. The cognator mechanism includes emotions, perception, processing, learning, and judgment. Concepts And Theories In Nursing Essay
There are three types of stimuli focal, contextual, and residual. Important factors in all human beings adaptation include developmental stage, family and culture. In the same way adaptation level of the life process is explained on three different levels: integrated, compensatory, and compromised. Adaptation is a mechanism in which a person is coping mentally, physically, socially, spiritually and emotionally. Nursing role in adaptation process is to help out in adaptation and improve capabilities. Roy adaptation model has a great implication in nursing care, education, and research.
Compare and contrast between the Orem and Roy nursing theory
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