Topic 1 DQ 1 Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty. Discuss at least one way that the nursing profession is currently working toward a resolution of this problem. In replies to peers, offer different examples of how the nursing shortage has been addressed in your state, community, or specialty area. Post


The Healthcare system today in the US faces many challenges and obstacles, from technology to patient age. But few of the challenges facing in the US healthcare system are as serious as the nationwide nursing shortage. The lack of qualified nurses in the workforce has huge implications for patient care across America, especially as more people need nursing care and the demand for nurses grows all around the country(WGU,2020).

There are several elements that are contributing to the nursing shortage which includes growing Baby Boomer populations. As the largest generation in the country continues to age, there are more Baby Boomer nurses that are retiring, and they simply are not being replaced quickly enough by new nurses. Secondly, advancements in modern medical care that prolong life. While this is a good thing, it also means that people are living much longer than before and needing more care as they age. The nursing workforce simply is not large enough to handle the older people who are living longer due to better health care. Thirdly, lack of current resources to train new nurses. Insufficient numbers of nurse faculty and classroom space are leading to many nursing student applicants being turned away. Finally, many nurses leaving the field. Because there is a shortage of incoming nurses, there is a high demand for current RNs. Many RNs find they are scheduled many hours with lots of patients to cover for the shortages. This can lead to more stress and lower levels of job satisfaction and can drive nurses away from the profession (WGU,2020).

One of the solutions to overcome the nursing shortage is to use an onboarding program to make new nurses feel welcome. Studies and surveys show that community, group cohesion, and nurse autonomy reduce employee turnover among nurses, and nurses who feel they have a sense of community at work report higher levels of job satisfaction. When hospitals bring in new nurses, making these nurses feel welcome with an onboarding program can help encourage employee retention. A good onboarding program can ease new nurses into the job, so they are less overwhelmed in the first few weeks at a new job. A good example is to avoid assigning new nurses to problem patients right away. Another example is to consider events that help new nurses get to know current nurses to encourage a sense of community. Nurses that feel like they are welcome, and part of a community not only stick with the job, but they are also more likely to bring along their friends (Parker.S,2020).

WGU(2020)Why is there a nursing shortage? Retrieved from:

Parker.S (2020) 5 Creative Solutions for the Nursing Shortage. Retrieved from:

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