Topic 6: Overview Of Quality Data Quality Data Sources Organizer


The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (NHQDR) is a product of a partnership among agencies from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), various federal departments, and the private sector. The 2019 NHQDR contains various new features that enhance the reader’s insight into healthcare access, the workforce in healthcare, and the NHQDR measure set (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ], (2020). The 2019 report is organized regarding the concept of quality of care, access to care, disparities in care, and six priority areas, including person-centered care, patient safety, care coordination, effective treatment, healthy living, and affordability of care (AHRQ, 2020). The purpose of this organizer is to discuss NHQDR’s data sources, with a focus on the primary content, targeted population, demographic data, schedule, and how and when the data can be used.

Data Source Primary Content Population Targeted Demographic Data Schedule Is This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data? How / When / Where
the Information Might
Be Used
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)



NSDUH collects an individual’s demographic data including; age at first use, lifetime, past-year, and last-month use of the following substances: illicit drugs, inhalants, hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used for non-medical use, alcohol, and tobacco; substance use disorders; substance use treatment; healthcare; mental health disorders; and  utilization of mental health service (US Department of Health and Human Services [US.HHS],  (2020). Non-institutionalized U.S. civilians aged 12 years and above. Age, sex, race/ethnicity, education,  marital status, employment status, health insurance,  family income ,veteran status, current household composition, and metropolitan status of county (US.HHS, 2020). Yearly Secondary data The information can be used by public health departments to establish the population using drug substances and identify the appropriate health promotion interventions to use to lower the prevalence of substance abuse among teenagers and young adults.


The data can also be used by the FDA in identifying the most commonly used drug substances and establishing ways to reduce their sale and use in the country.


United States Renal Data System (USRDS)



Date ESRD was diagnosed, treatment approach, causes of mortality, survival rate, hospitalization, cost and cost-effectiveness, and institutional providers of ESRD treatment.


Special surveys encompass preventive health measures, behavioral risk factors, health status, activity limitations, and healthcare access and utilization (US.HHS, 2020).

Patients diagnosed with ESRD. Sex, age, race, and ethnicity Yearly Secondary data The information can be used by state health departments to identify the health outcomes of ESRD patients. It can guide researchers on the gaps in the care of ESRD patients to lower the morbidity and mortality rates associated with the condition.
Substance Abuse Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Patient demographics; primary, secondary, and tertiary substance; length of stay; reason for discharge. Admissions to public substance abuse treatment centers. Age, sex, ethnicity, and level of education. Monthly or quarterly submissions from states; annual report. Secondary data The information can be beneficial to mental health and substance abuse agencies and organizations to have more insight on the characteristics of individuals admitted for substance abuse treatment. It can be used to establish the quality of care provided to these patients in the public facilities and identify new ways to improve treatment.
National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) Patient demographics, insurance status, tumor site, stage an

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