Walden NURS 6521 Asthma and Stepwise Management



Asthma and Stepwise Management

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  • Brief discussion of Asthma and its symptoms.
  • Description of options for treatment for quick-relief long-term control.
  • Explanation of stepwise approach in treating and managing asthma.
  • Explanation of benefits of the stepwise strategy for care providers and asthma patients.



  • Chronic illness severely impacting the airways.
  • Results in airways swelling, narrowing and producing excessive mucus.
  • As a consequence, breathing becomes difficult and wheezing and coughing is triggered.
  • Condition varies from person to person.
  • Can be minor nuisance or a severe effect interfering with daily activities.
  • It cannot be cured but symptoms can be managed.


Long Term Controls

  • Therapy’s goal involves controlling asthma through;

– Impairment reduction

– Reducing Risk

  • Involves taking vital medications to keep asthma under control.
  • Preventive medications used in treating airway inflammation that causes symptoms like coughing or breathlessness.
  • Medications are used daily to eliminate or reduce asthma flair-ups.
  • Examples include:

– Corticosteroids

– Immunomodulators,

– Methylxanthines, and

– Long acting beta agonists (Can et al., 2020).


Quick Relief

  • Also referred to as rescue medications or inhalers.
  • Utilized as needed for quick opening of airways to make breathing easier.
  • The medications can aid in preventing impeding asthma attacks.
  • Involves fast-acting medications like:

– Anticholinergics

– Short acting beta agonists.

Stepwise Approach

  • Involves appropriate monitoring of medication utilized in controlling and managing asthma.
  • Involves increasing or decreasing medications as necessary to achieve or maintain control.
  • Applicable to all patients with asthma.
  • It decreases morbidity and improves self-management.
  • Includes six steps used in ensuring the best results are attained.



Benefits to Care Providers and Patients

  • Patient empowerment and education
  • Providers can control the environment around the asthma condition to manage it effectively.
  • Reduction of exacerbations.
  • Control of comorbidities and reduction of impairments.
  • Guidance to providers on how to balance medications for the patient.



  • Asthma is a chronic illness severely impacting the airways.
  • Long-term control medications are the key to keeping your asthma controlled and in the green zone.
  • Quick relief medications give fast relief for asthma symptoms and can prevent impeding asthma attacks
  • Asthma management recommendations integrate various therapy components into a stepwise therapeutic approach where medications are adjusted for achievement and maintenance of control.
  • The stepwise approach is beneficial to both care providers and patients in attaining control and management of asthma.



Blake, K., & Raissy, H. (2018). Asthma Guidelines from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program: Where Are We Now?. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology31(1), 37-39.

Can, C., Akkelle, E., Özdemir, P. G., Yazıcıoğlu, M., & Süt, N. (2020). Assessment of regular drug use and inhaler technique skills in asthmatic children. Allergologia et Immunopathologia48(2), 124-129.

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