What is a specific qualitative method used? How does qualitative research design correspond with the research questions? Can you determine whether the design was appropriate?

The specific qualitative method adopted for the study was cross-sectional surveys undertaken
through interviews. The qualitative surveys targeted two groups of community-dwelling older
adults and another a population-based survey that sought to estimate the level of prevalence. In
contrast, the second survey delved on the older adults who reported elder abuse at one selected
institutional partner.
The cross-sectional surveys ask one or two central questions followed by no more than five to
seven sub-questions, thereby narrowing the focus of the study and ensuring that the researcher
leaves open the questioning. Also, the sub-questions, in turn, act as specific questions used
during interviews or when looking at documents. Again, in cross-sectional surveys, the
researcher should begin with words such as what or how to convey open and emerging design
correctly (Santos et al., 2019).
As a result, the cross-sectional research design was appropriate. It focused on a single
phenomenon of emotional reactions that older adults faced in the wake of an unprecedented
increase in abuse. Further, it is critical to adopt open-ended questions without reference to
literature (Santos et al., 2017). Therefore, the cross-sectional survey format will answer the open-
model of research questions as the pool of selected participants was purposeful conventional
sampling that was non-probabilistic retrieved by identifying older adults that submitted to one of
four institutions.

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